Ancestor Chronicles

Coming soon: Family history chronicles submitted by genealogists from around the country.

Denys Allen, Ancestor Chronicles

About Ancestor Chronicles

Denys Allen created Ancestor Chronicles in 2023 to share examples of great storytelling by genealogists and family historians.Read on to learn more about what chronicles are and how to create yours.

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Create Your Own
Ancestor Chronicles

Your ancestors are more than names, dates, and places. Their histories matter.Ancestor Chronicles are your genealogy plus the story of your search. Now you and your ancestors are united in a new kind of family history.Denys is writing daily about creating chronicles on her blog, Chronicle Makers.

Start Your Own
Ancestor Chronicles

Get my 6-day free course via email on creating your own ancestor chronicles.Learn how to turn your genealogy research and into something meaningful for you and the future.

Check Your Email

Your first lesson on how to create your own ancestor chronicles is on its way to your email.